Case Studies for Tiana Chase
A young mother wasn't sure if a roommate was being as truthful as they were saying, and she had no confidence to confront this person and needed to find the courage to trust her decision making. Through my spiritual advisement and using the human design system she was able to trust her ability to make correct decisions for the way she was designed. Working together we were able to heal her past emotional traumas and she was able to forgive not only the past but herself to become a thriving individual with more confidence and self-love
I helped an aspiring musician overcome his fear of playing in front of an audience through hypnosis and wearing dark sunglasses during performances. He started on You Tube and now is performing live and doing great
A young lady came to me after her dad died suddenly, wanting to know if her father was okay. I was able to help her work through her grief and assure her he was fine.
I have helped many with finding their spirit guides
I was called on occasion by the Denver Police Dept to help in locating missing children.
The radio station KOA out of Denver Co. asked me to do a walk through at the Molly Brown House (now being used as offices). It was reported to be haunted and there had been some disturbances which the owner of the house wanted cleared up. After doing the walk through I discovered that a man had died in a room upstairs and didn't understand where all his family had gone. It had happened during a party Molly Brown was having and he did not realize he had died. He was angry and scared. But with a little coaxing I was able to quite him and encourage him to listen for his loved ones who were waiting on the other-side. He just needed someone to hear him and point the direction. He was then able to let go of his anger which allowed him to see and hear his loved ones. There were no more disturbances reported after that.
In 2011 in Iowa, a gentleman had been tormented by a ghost who seemed to become very active whenever he and his wife would fight. When the gentleman and his wife split up the only time there was trouble was when the wife would come over. He asked me to walk through the house and see if I felt anything. I did and was able to give him a complete history of the man and his wife who lived there before. (This was later verified in the towns records.) I was able to feel the previous man’s emotions to all the fighting in his house and his resentment to how the home was being treated. His wife was on the other-side, but he didn't want to leave his house with so much chaos still happening. His refusal to leave was unchangeable and it wasn't until the gentleman's divorce was final did the ghost haunting stop. The gentleman sold the house shortly afterward